How Nutrition Is Impacting Your Life

Why you should start taking care of what you eat

Why you should start taking care of what you eat and why the food may be slowly killing you

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Eating is one of the pleasures of life and apart from that a way of being` able `to meet with family and friends. However, `although` we are not `conscious` of it, eating well or bad plays an important role in our life (mood, work, sport, etc.). Although it was `probably` today when we have more access to information, it is also the era where producers try to include in the market products with ingredients that can be `harmful` for us. It’s quite also understandable that more and more people have obesity problems. Although` governments `are trying to put a remedy to this trend or even “modern disease”, instead of rules, what we should do is educate people and let them know about all consequences.

I, as probably you, love eating and probably you are also trying to taste new flavors or discover new restaurants. However, I’m also telling you nothing new when I say that this exercise in excess can have very bad consequences, that will slowly hurt your body.

It’s strange, but true, we are what we eat. Whoever said this sentence for the first time, he knew what he was doing.

It’s strange, but true, we are what we eat. Whoever said this sentence for the first time, he knew what he was doing.


Although it may seem that eating just negative consequences in few aspects (our physical body and the shape), it probably has even worse consequences in other aspects of our life, which are of course more important than keeping a flat belly. You will see for example people who eat poor quality food, they remain thin, but you will see other aspects that are indicative of their diet. These symptoms are more severe than the look of their silhouette.


When you eat heavy food, with a lot of calories, our organs need to switch to “hard-work” mode, and they consume more energy in order to be able to digest them. Simply mathematics, our organs need to allocate more energy to this task, and there will be less energy in order to do the remaining tasks, leading to feeling tired and without desired to do anything.

Some examples of unhealthy nutrients having a considerable impact in this point are those containing too much sugar, salt, or flour. They can be an instant boost of energy, but this effect is lost some minutes later, leading to the opposite results.


We have more and more advances and breakthroughs in different aspects, making our life easier. The problem is that despite these improvements, why with better conditions there are more and more burnouts, depressions, and even people committing suicide? Of course, there are other reasons, but one of the factors is related to the food. One of the reasons, is that eating products high in trans-fat, they have a direct impact into our stress hormones. This causes us to be more aggressive, irritable, and making our mood and motivation drop to the bottom.


Related to our intellectual activity, try to study, or work, and you will also see that having a bad diet will cause problems with your lucidity and agility. You can see this for example when focusing on a complex task or memorizing topics, or even a single number.

Long-term diseases

It is not surprise that countries with healthy diets have a higher expected life. Furthermore, there are several studies that link the effects of eating unhealthy food to different diseases. This of course is not applicable to food, but other products we drink or inhale. The solution is easy: If you want to live longer, start taking care of what your body is using as fuel.


Nutrition has an important role in both, mental and physical. Try to practice sport with a good diet and a bad diet and you will note the difference and how much it some activities cost or how you are tired after the workout.

As we have seen for concentration, we need to take care of what we provide to our brain, so it is possible to

How to fix this

Having seen what is causing problems to our health, there should be something we can do about it. These are some tricks in order to help us with a perfect nutrition aimed to achieve the best performance.

Fruits and Vegetables Eating seasons `vegetables` and fruits is an excellent way to discover new and tasty combinations


When it comes to food, as in many other aspects in life, you cannot improvise. Have an empty fridge and go to the last minute to the supermarket, and I can assure you that you will probably end up with post processed food and low-quality nutrients. This is definitely not the way. Another benefit is that with this technique you can avoid unnecessary products in the supermarket and save a considerable amount of money.

Be constant

This one may be also quite evident, but it is usual that a lot of people start with their diet very motivated. In this case being constant is of course much more important than the intensity. Define realistic and feasible goals. Otherwise, in 1 week you will get back where you started.


Changing what you eat, while innovating makes sure that you are not bored of the monotony. With this in mind, you can create multiple combinations and have fun avoiding already prepared post processed foods.

You may be thinking that having to think about what you need to each every day may sound a bit annoying at first sight. However, this will give you a better organization of what to prepare. Furthermore, one of the tricks is also to take benefit of the seasonal products and enjoy the flavor of these products.

Time to break the rules (sometimes)

Although this seems the opposite of what’s included above, you could have your cheat day, e.g., on the weekend. However, even if in the beginning you will be probably yearning for this day to arrive, you may realize about the following. The day after you go for this special day, you will feel heavier and not as healthy as the previous days. Our body is intelligent enough to warn us about something they did not like and it’s causing our body to suffer.

With time, you will see that this cheat day is probably causing more problems to your body, and you will not ask for it anymore. And your mind and body will thank you for this.


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